Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
To emphasize my point, when we lived in Los Angeles (Glendale actually: 1982-84) I had a good friend who was a basketabll official and of the Jewish faith. There was a private school that belonged to the CIF and it was a Jewish school and it wanted its players to be allowed to wear yarmulkes. Neither my friend nor I ever officiated the team, but he told everybody that if he did he would not let them wear them because the yarmulkes had nothing to do with the sport of basketball.
I think that we have taken political correctness to illogical extremes.
The book requires you to let them play if they have permission in advance from the state, and if they use something to keep the items attached. YOur political correctness or lack of it has nothing to do with it.
You are absolutely correct, I am not politically correct and never will be politically correct. And before anybody tries to label me a knee jerk reationary conservative, everybody should now that I am one of the last New Deal liberal Democrats left in the U.S.A. The safety of the players come first, last and in between.
As I said before, I will not take a position that will compromise the safety of the players. If I have to make the choice, I will not officiate the game rather than be party to a potential situation that would make me responsible for a player's injury.
MTD, Sr.