Thread: Missed Base
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Old Mon Apr 16, 2001, 12:11pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by jclangley
I coach High School Varsity baseball and at a recent tournament our team (visitors) was down by three runs in the top of the 7th. We were able to load the bases and with two outs our batter hits a base clearing double to the fence. Three runs score and the game is tied with two outs and man on second. The homeplate umpire calls time and calls the last runner to score out stating that he missed third and the game is over. What challenge is available to me? Can I appeal the call to the field umpire or do I just have to accept it? The other coach did not appeal the missed base.
Assuming you are in a state that uses FED rules, I'm afraid that you're SOL. Under FED rules, an umpire is to declare a runner out at the end of playing action if the umpire observes any baserunning infractions (missing a base, or leaving to early on a caught fly ball).

It's a judgment call, and, just like all judgment calls, can't be protested.
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