I agree with you and I disagree with you. BBR will tell you that their are times when one can get away with what he said and times where one cannot get aways with what he said.
I doubt if I would ever make that comment during a H.S. varsity or college game, but at the jr. varsity level and below and AAU, YBOA, and etc. competition I would probably use such a line. One has to remember to pick your battles carefully.
MTD, Sr. [/B][/QUOTE]
Precisely. Choose your battles and your opponents wisely.
I've never done it but I've heard the story of a top official in area using this one: ASStant Coach gets up and starts fussing about a call. Ref to Head Coach: you need to tell your bus drive to sit down and be quiet. I'm not where I could pull that one off but sure do appreciate that he was able to. Chalk one up for the Refs.
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?