Related question
In the case book, page 23 5.9.2 it states that just before near fall criteria has been met (I am assuming that means wrestler B is on his back but for less than 2 seconds) wrestler B grabs wrestler A fingers and twist them. This results in a 4 point situation - 2 pt near fall, 1 pt for the penalty and 1 point for having to stop the match. My question is why did the referee need to stop the match? Couldn't he just let it continue and award the penalty point?
Also - on page 25 in the case book, 5.9.4 - the same type of situation during a near fall. Wrestler B grabs the head gear of A but the referee allows the match to continue and just knocks the hand off the head gear. When the situation ended because time expired, the referee awarded 3 pt NF, 1 pt penalty for grabbignt he headgear and 1 pt for stopping the match. The referee did not stop the match time expired?