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Old Thu Nov 11, 2004, 08:19am
mick mick is offline
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by mick
Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Originally posted by mick

  • I look at the rhythm of the ball to see if it comes to a noticeable and total stop. (Not the law of gravity physics stop at the top of the bounce)
  • What do you mean that the laws of physics and gravity stop at the top of the bounce?
    ...The change of direction thingy.
    I think that MTD's esoteric point is the the law of gravity-physics starts at the top of the bounce and makes the ball go down. Or maybe to be even more correct, that the laws of gravity-physics are working all along and they make the ball go progressively slower on the way up until the ball is forced to stop and then fall back to Earth. An example might be MTD Sr. jumping on a trampoline. If the laws of gravity-physics weren't applicable, then MTD Sr. would shoot out into space on his very first jump. So........the lesson learned today is that we need to repeal the law of gravity-physics as soon as MTD Sr. climbs up on his trampoline. Agreed?

    Why does the ball go down?
    The world sucks.
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