Thread: FED Bashing
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Old Fri Nov 05, 2004, 01:08pm
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by Dakota
This brings up another issue. NFHS allows a player to be restricted to the bench for minor unsporting violations.
I have posted before that I like this option and wish ASA would adopt it. You, though, are trying to turn this into an ASA v NFHS discussion in general, as if I somehow am as much a toady for ASA as you seem to be for NFHS. The fact is, I have no problem criticizing ASA where I see the need.

You know, I've been thinking about this all morning and I must say that it seems someone isn't aware of the rules.

To begin, the only time ASA mentions forcing an ejected player or coach to leave the area is if there is a flagrant act of misconduct. Makes sense to eliminate the aggrevating party from the equation.

Secondly, why shouldn't an ejection be punitive? Umpires don't, or at least shouldn't, just walk on the field and pick out people that will not finish the game that day. A player or coach has to do something pretty bad to be tossed for USC. In some cases, a player will do something which may actually endanger the well-being of another player, umpire or coach. Why shouldn't they be ejected and forced to leave?

When a coach or player is ejected, that means they can no longer take part in the game in any way, shape or form. Go ahead, try finding a coach/player who can sit on the bench or stand along the fence and keep their mouthes shut or not offer information to a teammate or antagonize the opponent.

Maybe we should have the umpire check with the UN or French consulate when a situation calling for an ejection exists. That way we can avoid upsetting or offending anyone. Oh, that's right, we won't be doing that anytime soon!

Ejections are nothing new and every player and coach know that is the result of unsportsmanlike conduct. If you cannot live with the thought of ejecting a youth player or coach, maybe you should consider another game to officiate 'cause as Tom was told, them's the rules and you have to make the call.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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