Thread: timing issue...
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Old Wed Nov 03, 2004, 04:09pm
Bob M. Bob M. is offline
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REPLY: Federation and NCAA rules differ on this question (surprise...surprise)!

FEDERATION: (jack015 hit the nail on the head) The clock will start on the READY. Remember that the clock starts on the snap NOT for a change of possession, but when B is awarded a new series. Was B awarded a new series? No, because NF 5-1-2 says that a new series is awarded only after considering the effect of any act during the down. So, as long as the penalty is accepted, B will not be awarded a new series. Hence, the only thing that stopped the clock was indeed the foul.

NCAA: The clock will start on the SNAP. NCAA concurs that the clock starts on the snap when B is awarded a new series. However, unlike Fed, NCAA rules award a new series to the team in possession if a change of possession occurs during the down. So since there was a change of possession, B is awarded a new series and that's why the clock stopped. Hence, it will begin again on the SNAP. This is the fundamental difference between NCAA and Fed rules.

mcrowder and theisey...keep me honest on the NCAA rule here.

[Edited by Bob M. on Nov 3rd, 2004 at 04:12 PM]
Bob M.
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