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Old Mon Apr 09, 2001, 06:05pm
Patrick Szalapski Patrick Szalapski is offline
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Why don't we look at the rulebook, gentlemen?

Originally posted by Brent McLaren
The pitcher has attained no advantage.
This in and of itself is not a reason to avoid calling a balk/illegal pitch.

What I gather is this: Pitcher in windup with free foot behind rubber. He steps forward with FREE foot, planting it in front of rubber. He pivots the pivot foot normally, then steps forward again with the free foot and pitches.

The pitcher, with his free foot, may: step once forward or step once backward then once forward with the free foot in his pitching motion. He shall not otherwise lift either foot (FED 6-1-2). (Obviously we are going to ignore a slight lift of the pivot foot in its pivot.)

Thus, for FED in the situation originally presented, this is a balk/illegal pitch (6-1 PEN).

There is nothing to call, unless someone wants to split hairs, and then there can be tons of violations to call.
You cannot simply say the above when you don't want to enforce a specific rule. There are cases where we want to deviate from the strict letter of the law. This isn't one of them.

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