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Old Sun Oct 31, 2004, 12:43am
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally posted by pauli
4 points to this violation: 1) front court status; 2)team control; 3) last to touch the ball in the fc; and 4) first to touch in the bc. In your scenario, you have all 4=violation.
Close, but not quite...

  • Team Control
  • Ball has had frontcourt status
  • Last to touch before it returned to the backcourt
  • First to touch after if returned to the backcourt

    The difference is yours specifies where the ball is touched while mine specifies when the ball is touched relateive to where the ball is. It may seem insignificant but it is different.

    Examples to illustrate the difference...

    A1 in the backcourt, throws the ball towards A2. However, it hits the ref (who is in the frontcourt). The ball returns to A1 (or A3) who is in the backcourt. Violation even though A never touched the ball while it was in the frontcourt. They were the last to touch it before it returned to the backcourt.

    A1 in a trap in the frontcourt at the division line. A1 throws a bounce pass across the court to A2. The bounce pass strikes the floor 4" behind the division line. A2 reaches over the line and catches it with both feet on the floor in front of the division line. Again, Violation. A1 was the last to touch before it hit the backcourt. A2 was the first to touch after it hit the backcourt. Yet no one touched it in the backcourt.

    [Edited by Camron Rust on Oct 31st, 2004 at 12:11 PM]
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