Originally posted by stripes
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Btw, all I've given out so far in this thread is my view on this subject. Don't give me that "condescending" crap just because my view doesn't agree with yours. I don't think that I've written anywhere that I don't respect the right of you or anyone else to have their own view on this subject, whether I agree with that view or not. [/B]
I have no problem with anyone putiing out their opinion, but I really think you do condescend toward those who don't share your viewpoint. It is not about respecting rights...it about an attitude. [/B][/QUOTE]Um, how about the guy that wrote in this thread:-
"Did it ever occur to any of the geniuses out there..." Or maybe the guy that told people who disagreed with him-
"For all of you, too bad....".
Wonder who that was?
Think that maybe "condescension" might be in the eye of the beholder, Stripes?