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Old Sun Apr 08, 2001, 08:47pm
umpyre007 umpyre007 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 118
Originally posted by Coach C
Is this a legal motion. For example: right handed pitcher. Starts with pivot foot on rubber and non pivot foot behind the rubber. Instead of stepping or transferring his weight back to his non pivot foot he takes a step with his left foot first placing it in front of the rubber slightly followed by placing his pivot foot in front of and against the rubber in the proper position. The rule book states Duing delivery, he may lift his non-pivot foot in a step forward, or in a step backward and a step forward, but he shall not otherwise lift either foot. I take this to mean he may step back and then forward but not forward with his non-pivot foot and then forward. What is your opinion?

"Pitchers are not penalized for breaking contact with the rubber with their pivot foot if it is slight and considered to give the pitcher no advantage. This is often a necessary part of the pitcher's positioning his body to deliver the pitch. It is usually necessary to lift the pivot foot in order to turn the body into a power-generating position. This turning of the foot 90 degrees is known as the pivot (thus the pivot foot)."
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