Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Dan_ref
Yeah, the NY media is so insulated from the outside world I can see how you might be confused on their current thinking, Dick.
Believe it or not, we've been a little too busy up here hugging everybody we know to run out and get hooked up with Direct TV, just so we can watch Mike and the Mad Dog. And since the Post and Daily News don't get delivered to my door, I thought maybe somebody a little closer to the Bronx might have a better feel for the current mood than I do.
As JR already mentioned, there's this cool thing called the internet. Check it out. Which leaves the question begging an answer: if you're too busy hugging each other to get your direct tv how do you know Mike & the Mad Dog appear on TV?
did the local police celebrate by killing any more college students up your way?
Maybe you're a little grumpier than usual b/c of recent events in the Stadium, but that's not really a joking subject. It was an accident and a tragedy, especially b/c it resulted from a "non-lethal" instrument. [/B][/QUOTE]
I'll take that as a yes, it is just another once in 2 lifetimes events that shock us.