Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Dan_ref
I get it! I like that, very subtle!
About as subtle as blowing a 3-0 lead in a playoff series. I was just trying to help, and see what I get.
Just out of curiosity, how is the ALCS loss being portrayed in the NY media? I heard a national radio talk show host (FOX radio) describe it as the biggest choke job of all time. Is the NY media being that hard on the Yankees? Are they sloughing it off as a lucky statistical anomoly?
Personally, I think that calling it a huge choke job denigrates the effort of the Red Sox. But obviously, I have a huge bias.
Yeah, the NY media is so insulated from the outside world I can see how you might be confused on their current thinking, Dick.
BTW, the NY media is having a hard time getting news from the outside...did the local police celebrate by killing any more college students up your way? Or was that a once in 2 lifetimes type thing as well?