Thread: Key to Part 1
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Old Wed Oct 27, 2004, 02:11pm
WindyCityBlue WindyCityBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
It is cheating...

Because some of this has been covered here and on other sites, I'm surprised by some of the IHSA officials replies.

No matter the NFHS sport, the importance of the OPEN BOOK test is to inform and evaluate. An official that obtains the answers and then takes the test has done more than just cheat him/herself. While some may indeed have taken the test long ago and are only looking to verify their suspicions, others will be using this to cheat.

In Illinois, we can take the Part 1 test online and the score will be posted immediately. About a month later the answer key is posted. It never fails though, one guy will get a perfect score and be rightfully proud. His friends will ask to "check" their answers and blame the wording as a perennial stumbling block. Now they take the test and ...WOW...get a perfect score, as well. In this state, one of the many factors that is computed into playoff assignments is your Part 1 score! How fair is it to pass along a bogus test to the guys who score a 92 without help?

Officiating is about keeping things fair. You have just compromised the process and done a tremendous disservice to those officials that aren't capable of achieving on or off the court. I disagree with those that think it will all wash out on the field or court. By then, it's too late - now the players, coaches and fans have to see that you didn't know the actual rule.

If your name was JJ, Alstadt or Olsen, I would still report you to the IHSA. Copies of your transmissions have been forwarded to them. It is sad that you took pride in helping others cheat.

I had to come back and edit this. I just went online and saw that in our state, the Part 1 Test is open until November 15th! You emailed answers to people that still have time to take the test!

[Edited by WindyCityBlue on Oct 27th, 2004 at 03:43 PM]