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Old Thu Oct 21, 2004, 03:34pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Re: Do you even remember.....

Originally posted by Atl Blue

What did you have for lunch? Apparently it wiped out all memory of what you wrote this morning:

Posted by JR at Oct 21st, 2004 01:53 PM:
[i]My first question to you is do you have the reference to FED or NCAA Rules? Because referencing OBR is irrelevant to the games I work. I only work games in the spring for the most part. When I do work in the summer which is very rare, they use FED and NCAA Rules.
I can see you cannot recognize sarcasm. You referenced OBR like that was the only level we could be talking about. I work under both NCAA and FED Rules. I do different things under those rules. But I do not just give an appeal if the situation does not call for an appeal. It is one thing on a check swing. It is another thing all together if we have a judgment call. So I guess you think I should ask for help on an out and safe call because the coach wants you to appeal to your partner?

Originally posted by Atl Blue
Gee, you just said that OBR rules don't matter, that you work FED and NCAA. You asked for a reference from the NCAA and FED, and gave them to you, proving that in NCAA you do have to ask, and you said you never debated the different codes. Did you even remember your earlier post?
I did not ask for anything, I was just making a point that I do not work OBR rules. Your reference to OBR was awful assumptive.

Originally posted by Atl Blue
Apparently not, if you don't ask in NCAA games when requested by a coach OR a player!
ATL Blue, you were the one that assumed level. Not one time has anyone even given an example of an appeal situation. You just claim the coach can ask for one. There is a difference between a proper request and a request for an appeal when it is not warranted. All situations are not subject to appeals.

Originally posted by Atl Blue
Your state may not allow protests. Mine does. And NOWHERE in the FED rulebook does it say you can't protest a game in FED rules, it says it is up to each state:
I should have just said it was not allowed in my state. FED rules are local for the most part. There are many rules that states can use that affect the application of the FED Rules. A great example is those states that do not allow any other bats except for wood. I do not care what other states do and it is not relevant to my point of view. What you do in your state is not my concern.

Originally posted by Atl Blue
Rule 4-5-1: It is optional on the part of a state association as to whether protests are permitted. When allowed, protests are permitted regarding rules one through nine only. When protests are submitted to organizations which do allow the filing, such protest must be submitted using a prescribed procedure (10-2-3i). All individual and team averages shall be included in the official records, except that no pitcher shall be credited with a victory or charged with a loss in such a game, if the game is not regulation.
That is nice, but they do not accept appeals in my state. They did not (could have changed) in the other state I worked briefly. They make this clear in all Rules meetings and publications before the season. All umpire decisions are final. So if they allow it in your neck of the woods, so be it. That does not apply to my area. So personally it is irrelevant. I guess you assume everyone follows the same procedures. As a matter of fact we even have different mechanics that are required that are not explained in NF books.

Originally posted by Atl Blue
JR, when it's you against the world, it's at least worth considering betting on the world.
This is not up for a vote. If you want to do something in your games and it works, you do that. When I work in my games I will do that works for me. If you want the coach to play you like a fiddle and every disagreement he asks for an appeal, you go and do that. I will not. I will pick and choose when those situations are. All situations are not subject to appeals. If they are, you are telling that you have a banger at first base and you rule the player out, the coach can ask for your partner's opinion and you can give it to them? If that is what you think, you then do that. I will not. You know Bobby Brown has a song awhile back and said, "you can do what you want to's my prerogative." And considering that I will never work a game with you and you do not live in the area I do, I guess I do not have to worry about what the "world" thinks about this issue or any for that matter.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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