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Old Thu Oct 21, 2004, 12:06pm
Atl Blue Atl Blue is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 159

9.02 c) The manager or the catcher may request the plate umpire to ask his partner for help on a half swing when the plate umpire calls the pitch a ball, but not when the pitch is called a strike. The manager may not complain that the umpire made an improper call, but only that he did not ask his partner for help. Field umpires must be alerted to the request from the plate umpire and quickly respond. Managers may not protest the call of a ball or strike on the pretense they are asking for information about a half swing. Appeals on a half swing may be made only on the call of ball and when asked to appeal, the home plate umpire must refer to a base umpire for his judgment on the half swing. Should the base umpire call the pitch a strike, the strike call shall prevail

The catcher comes up pointing to the base ump on a checked swing and you don't think this is an appeal? What's he doing, giving directions to the nearest McDonald's? Of course it's an appeal! And if you don't ask, you're the fool. What can happen? Either your partner agrees with you, or you get another strike. Both of these are good things.

Do I sometimes go to my partner for help without a coach asking? Sure, but with the exception of a checked swing, it's rare.

In other cases, I make my call. Sometimes I have to do that without being 100% sure, because whether I'm 100% sure or not, they are looking for a call from me. If no one hollers about it, we go on. I don't say, "Gee I wasn't 100% sure, let me go check with my partner." If the coach or the player is OK with my call, so am I.

But if a coach comes out and reasonably asks if I could get help, or if I had a clear view, or if I am 100% sure, I will absolutely go to my partner.

And yes, baseball is different from football or basketball in this sense.

A coach absolutely has an effect on whether you might ask for help, and he should. JR, I have battled Windy here, although it's almost always more on style than substance. But on this one, he is 100% correct and you are WAY off base. And I don't need help from my partner to see that one. But if the coach wants me to ask, I will.

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