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Old Thu Oct 21, 2004, 10:46am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Are you kidding me?

Originally posted by David B

I think I understand what you are saying, but the actions of the coach would matter.
Maybe with you, not with me and many other umpires I know. Sorry, I just cannot go along with you on this one.

Originally posted by David B
If you had information, you would tell me you would go to the BU and tell him, its a HR even if no one had disputed the call?

Yes, if it was obvious from my point of view it was not. Why award the wrong bases when you have something to offer. Now of course in most situations that is not the case.

Originally posted by David B
I don't believe that you would do that.
I guess you do not know me very well. Or better yet, you have not seen me work any games either.

Originally posted by David B
The coach asks for the umpire to explain the call and then if the umpire wants to ask for clarification etc., he asks.
He might get an explanation if he comes out with the right attitude. But it is not "automatic."

Originally posted by David B
That's the way its always worked in my leagues and the way MLB is starting to do now.
I am not sure why there is the constant obsession with what the MLB Umpires do. If they do not ask for help until the coach complains, that is on them. I know I have and will give help or ask for help if I have some obvious information that will help my partner or I make a call. The coach does not factor in that decision.

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