Originally posted by condracek
I had the most trouble with the area of responsibility. Because I am a female and young,
Ok, my next question is: which set of 3-whistle mechanics are you using? Are you using FED/NCAA men's mechanics? Or are you using pro/NCAA women's mechanics? The areas of responsibility are very different (especially for the Lead official) in these two systems.
If you're working FED/NCAAM mechanics, then -- roughly -- here's the areas of responsibility:
First imagine a line that goes from one basket to the other, dividing the court in half. When we're in a settled frontcourt situation, the Center has
everything on his/her half of the court.
Now see where the imaginary line meets the FT line? Imagine another line from that point to the low block on the Lead's side. Now we've got a triangle in the lane. It goes from the midpoint of the FT line to the basket, then to the low block, then back to the midpoint of the FT line. The Lead owns that triangle.
The Trail has everything else on that half of the court.
Hope that helps.