Here is my two cents - Find something that works for you! (Where have I heard that before?)
When I started, I used a card with the lineup written in a straight line just like it is entered in the scorebook. As each player rotated back to serve, I would place a tick mark next to her number. This allowed me to identify the server at a glance and know that the three numbers under or following the server were front row and the two numbers above the server were back row.
For the last few years, I have not used a lineup card. The trick that I learned that has helped me the most is to identfy the setter and her "opposite" player. I then try to remember two other opposite players. I have discovered that most alignment calls that I make as R2 involve the setter.
Something that you said in your orignal message really got me to thinking, but I'll start another thread.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!