Originally posted by ref18
We have a coach in a motorized wheelchair who wants to stand on the sidelines with his team. We do not think this is safe for the players officials and the person in the wheelchair for him to be on the sidelines. We have asked him to be at least 15 yards back, he is citing rights of the disabled that he should be allowed on the sidelines like every other coach.
Does anyone know of other wheelchair coaches and if they were allowed on the sidelines to coach. Does anybody think it is not a safety hazard for him to be right on the sideline with the other coaches? There is no way he could get out of the way of other player. Waiting to hear some comments.
At the NASO convention in Portland, OR this exact topic was discussed. Long story short, the disabled DO have rights and we are to allow them on the sidelines just like any other coach. Until something happens the NASO attorneys stongly advise we leave it alone. If and/or when something happens, then and only then should the individual situation be address'ed and it should be handled through your state association.
Bottom line, don't set yourself up for a lawsuit against any of the disabled Americans groups unless you enjoy the inside of a courtroom. Most likely with any lawsuit against these groups you would lose.
While you may think this is absurd to wait unil an injury occurs before any corrective action can be taken, that is the world we live in today.