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Old Fri Sep 24, 2004, 02:43pm
WindyCityBlue WindyCityBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
...and "Action!"

Scene: Scientific Laboratory on a rainy night

(Evil laugh-offscreen)
Dr. Wizard: I've done it! I've finally done it! After all
of these years...the world will no longer laugh
at me. They'll soon know my wrath!

(zoom in on operating table)

Dr. Wizard: It's alive...breeding a chicken and a jackass, bombarding them with high levels of radiation and removing half of the frontal lobe...and yet, it lives! (Evil cackle)

(close up of hideous creature on table)

The Thing (Altar Boy in drag): Da-da? Da-da?

Dr. Wizard: Aaahhh, my precious little Altar Boy. We will have such fun together. Others will call you hideous names, but to me, you will always be..."Mini Me!"

(Lightning cracks as the scene fades to black. Cheesy music swells and we hera moaning and groaning)


No resumé nerdy Friday follies...just showing our friends who you really are.