Thread: One Official
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Old Thu Sep 23, 2004, 02:06pm
New AZ Ref New AZ Ref is offline
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Last night 4-man crew was scheduled to work a JV game.

I was the only one who showed (still don't know what happened to the others!)

Come kick off time, no one else had arrived, so I called a friend who was off and asked him to come in.

Delayed the game for 1/2 hour while waiting for 2nd official and he brought a third one with him.

My question is what if I couldn't find another official. I was ready to ask for either coaches or parents to help watch the lines and work it myself. As far as I know there is no association rule about how many officials are required to work a game.

How would you have handled this situation. Considering this is only my 2nd JV game, I sure didn't want to try and do it alone.
(I know, I should have called the WH before the game to verify, but I didn't. Probably won't make that mistake again.)
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