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Old Wed Sep 22, 2004, 06:39pm
chuckfan1 chuckfan1 is offline
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Posts: 167
1. If I have a catcher jerking the mitt up into the zone, I say, "Hey catch, when you pull that glove up, your telling me its a ball, and your trying to get the pitch. Leave your glove there, if its a strike, Ill give it to ya." Next pitch or so, he does this, I call a strike, and say, "there ya go." I dont tell him to stop, that would be the coaching part. If he keeps doing it, he's hurting his pitcher. Lower levels, I sometimes relay it to the coach. Dont see it too much at HS. If I do, that comment stops it real quick.
2. Dont tell him higher or lower, to me, that would be coaching or infringing on their strategy.
3. Sets too deep? Usually I can adjust, as if the the catcher does set up too deep, its not enough to have an effect. But if Im not getting a good look at the plate. Ill tell catch,..."Hey catch, you might be costing your pitcher some strikes, give me a better look." And thats it. He will know what I'm talking about.
4. The balk thing? Take care of it early. Use catch to tell pitch, that "you need more of a stop" Or "I need to see a little more stop." Again, thats most beneficial for the younger ages. When doing HS, I MIGHT say something if its borderline. If Im on the bases, its easier to give pitch a quick heads-up. But if its blatant, balk him. That will stop it quick.
5. It becomes coaching when you "coach".Generic comments not offering advice one way or another is preventive, Giving specific directions would be coaching.
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