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Old Wed Sep 22, 2004, 06:36pm
Rich Ives Rich Ives is offline
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Originally posted by gordon30307
I think we all agree that we are not coaches. However do you consider the following coaching:

1. The catcher pulls pitches into the strike zone rather than framing. If you say hold the pitch where its caught and trust me. If you pull it you must think its a ball and thats what I will call.

2. The pitcher is either consistently high or low. If you say to the catcher (only you and the catcher know what was said) give him a higher or lower target in hopes of getting more strikes?

3. If the catcher sets up to deep and you tell him to get closer to the plate.

4. The pitcher for example is pushing the envelope in coming to a stop. Not balking. You tell the catcher (again only you and he are heard) tell your pitcher to come to a stop.

5.When does preventive officiating become coaching?
1 - Not coaching.

2 - Coaching - don't go there. Besids, it's a mechanical problem with the pitcher, not the target.

3 - Coaching - but you can force him closer by positioning yourself so he has to be closer. Just make sure you don't force a catcher's interference by doing do.

4 - Coaching. He's not breaking a rule so what's your point?

5 - When you do it for only one of the teams. Team A's mistake is a benefit to Team B. Don't get in the middle.
Rich Ives
Different does not equate to wrong
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