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Old Wed Sep 22, 2004, 04:52pm
Bob Lyle Bob Lyle is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 180
Originally posted by WindyCityBlue

I took English classes a long time ago. Back then we were taught something called "the collective we".

"We went to war in 1941."
"We won the Super Bowl in 1985."
"We have no business pretending that we can read."

That last one might strike a chord.
If not, I suggest you read some of the posts that include my work history. I would use the word "resumé", but you keep confusing it with "resume".

My granddaughter has a Phonics book I can borrow.
Do they still accept packages at your prison?
I bet you are a favorite on your tier; with the open mouth and dragging knuckles, I mean, you are a poster child for GEDs. I hope that book will help you obtain yours.

You must be drinking again Windy, because your post is unintelligible. Tee was making fun of you. That is called humor and it is wasted on socially inept human beings like yourself. Lots of folks have made fun of you lately and you don't realize it. You've lost your grip on reality. It's time for you to check in at the Betty Ford Clinic.

So you have a granddaughter who reads. That must make you 50-60 years old at least. Exactly when did you go to Brinkman's school and get a job in the minors.