Sorry guys, wrong answer. I had this last Friday night at the end of the first quarter and after looking it up, I found that I had kicked it.
Case book 3.3.3 Situation C: Near the end of the third period, it is third and 4 for A from B's 48-yard line. A1 advances to B's 45 and during the run there is holding by B1. The penalty is accepted. At the end of the down, there are three seconds remaining in the period. Because the penalty was the only reason for the clock to be stopped, it is started with the ready-for-play signal and the period ends before A snaps the ball.
Ruling: A is entitled to an untimed down becuase it accepted the penalty for a foul which occured during the last timed down of the period. Therefore, the period must be exstended with an untimed down in this situation even though time remained and A had a chance to snap the ball before time expired.