Re: Triple HHH...move next time. Stationary targets are too easy!
[QUOTE]Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
I dont need to use this Board to leverage my assignments or further my career. Apparently, you did - that says far more about your talent than mine. I earn my games every time I go onto the field. As you indicated, words are never proof of ones abilities.
Oh, so you are satisfied with where you are. Have you worked in MLB? Have you worked the CWS? Have you done an NCAA regional? Except for the top MLB guys, we can all move up a notch or two. If you are satisfied with where you are, then you are on your way down. Words are not proof of one's abilities but they might get you noticed so that you get a chance to prove your abilities.
Oh, youve got to be kidding. You know this from your time at Pro School? Joe Brinkman used to love quizzing us on rules - which inherently lead to situation discussions.
It is damn near impossible to separate the two, genius! How often have you seen a member ask for a ruling - ONLY A RULING - without a situational discussion ensuing? Isnt that the same number of times as youve worked an NCAA D-1 playoff game.
Yes, I have been to pro-school - Wendelstedt. I doubt that you have done any D1 playoff games, either. Until you come forward with a date and place, you are just an unnamed source like the one that provided Dan Rather with those so called original documents.
Is that more a** kissing? The number one rules differences expert in the world - even Bob Jenkins showed the Wizard that he was clueless with regards to the OBR ruling for this case. Several others have come forward to offer the same input.
So what, did Bob or anyone else provide any enlightenment that would help an umpire in a real game. It matters not where the information came from, only what the correct ruling is. The correct ruling is that a glove with a ball lodged in it can be tossed to first in MLB and NCAA but not FED. We knew that a week ago, thanks to Carl. All the rest of the posts were history lessons and entertainment but that had absolutely no relevance to real umpires working real games. Nerds track rules endlessly. Nerds are necesary to keep computers running and rules interpretations up to date but I would rather use a computer and umpire real baseball. Thanks to the nerds, I do not need to endlessly pick at rules.
When someone says in summation or finally they usually dont have another paragraph follow it, but you said that your terrific writing skills led to being noticed. I can only imagine the baseball talent, if this was your strength. Youve started a battle that you cant possibly win. Youve made several assumptions that youll never be able to prove. In addition, several of the things youve claimed have come back around and bitten you.
It's the ideas, not how they are expressed that are the most important. In my paid writings, I take time to edit them. I do not bother with that here except if an idea is misstated. I got noticed for the ideas, not my writing skills. I was not interviewing for a job as editor, but rather as a job as umpire.
If I want a baseball related answer, I will talk with one of my regular partners first. I trust the guys that take the field with me. If we cannot come to an agreement, I can always call an NCAA or IHSA rules interpreters. has served me well with OBR questions and I own a copy of J/R (although I dont use it very often). If Im still stumped, I still have enough friends in Fitzs office to get the job done. Ive never come here to resolve a baseball question.
I work with the top umpires in the DC area. They have worked NCAA regionals and yet Carl's answers have proved more accurate than the ones that they provide for exceedingly knotty problems. Carl has the history, the contacts, and the notes going back decades. No one else has that information for OBR, NCAA, and FED combined.
Our Virginia state interpreter is worse than useless when it comes to providing interpretations and it would appear that your Illinois intepreter blew a rule as well. Like it or not, unless Carl is wrong, your Illinois guy got the lodged ball problem wrong.
Windy, you are wannabe umpire that has fooled us for a long time. You hang around with the right guys and regurgitate what they tell you. You probably buy drinks for the pro umpires that come through town and pump them for information. You have provided us no proof that you are anything but a FED/JUCO umpire.
You mentioned your contacts in MLB. Lots of umpires have contacts in MLB. Tee, himself, has contacts in MLB that he can call on to find out the latest inside scoop. That does not make you anything more than a wannabe or umpire groupie.
Without a name, you have no credibility. You have made up reasons that you do not give us a name but they are undoubtably a lie. If we knew who you were, we would find out that you have grossly exaggerated your resume.