Thu Sep 16, 2004, 01:56pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Edinburg, TX
Posts: 1,212
Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
As George Takei (Sulu) would say, "Oh, myyyyyy!"
For someone who doesn't care or have a vested interest in this, your fingertips sure have been busy. Faxes to Fitz, emails to Eliot, shameless back patting resumés, you should give your wrists a break. (I could go there, but won't.)
The inaccuracies continue to spew forth. Several other members have now pointed out the MLB stance. Brinkman and Froemming were the guys I paid to learn, so if Joe is giving his blessing to something, I'll bite. Fitz ran my world for a few years, so I'll be interested to see what he wants the boys to do. Fed is and always has been a step behind. It's just nice to see that others have seen behind the curtain, too.
I know, I know,...you don't care.
Emails to Elliot? (Eliot was the British poet -- from St. Louis, MO.) Funny, I don't have any copies of those.
[Edited by Carl Childress on Sep 16th, 2004 at 03:05 PM]