Mon Sep 13, 2004, 08:15pm
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Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by tjchamp
I was taking one of the on-line quizzes at the referee.com site. I'd like to get some clarification.
On A-1's throw in, the ball is outside the cylinder when B2 reaches through the basket from below and knocks the ball away before it can reach the cylinder. What's the call. The answer indicates basket interference. I'm just wondering how that can be the call since A-1 can't make a basket on a throw in.
I suppose if the ball hasn't gotten to the cylinder yet, it's not a shot yet. Team A could be trying for an alley-oop, or he could be trying to throw it over the basket. Since this can't be a legal try, you don't have a violation by A unless the ball actually goes into the net. But B has committed a violation regardless. It's always illegal to reach up through the net and contact the ball. I'm not sure it's BI, though.
Juulie, as I posted earlier whether or not there is a try in progress has no bearing on the BI violation. Touch the ball while it's on the basket (or the basket itself in this case), in the cylinder or while reaching through the basket is a BI violation in any case.
NFHS rule 9-11-3--"Basket interference occurs when a player touches the ball OUTSIDE the cylinder while reaching through the basket from below".
Now bow three times in the direction of Dan, Juulie. That would be to the east.
My directions, I know. But I didn't say it wouldn't be BI, I just said I didn't know. I didn't have time to look in the book right then. I just dashed off the part I was sure of, and didn't commit on the other. And just for the record, I bow to no one except God.
OK then....so, anyone hear any good jokes lately?