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Old Fri Sep 10, 2004, 04:27pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Re: clear it up

Originally posted by 81artmonk
I had established my position well in front of the basket. 2nd, I was standing straight up with my hands in the air. 3rd. I was there at least 6-8 steps before the ball handler would have reached me. The ball handler clipped me. If you were to draw a line down my middle from head to crotch he would have clipped my whole right side and sent me flying to the floor. the official explained to me that I cannot just stand there and allow the ball handler to hit me, that is a block. He further explained that I DID NOT move my hips out to create contact nor did I use any other body part to create contact, it was the fact that I just stood there and allowed contact. Obviously I cannot just go to him and call him on a bad call I need some kind of written proof of rules in order to have them change the way they call that foul.


Here is what you do. Wait until the game is over. Approach him quietly. Ask him to if he could show you this in the rulebook so you can know what to do. To this all calm and without emotion.

It is clear that the official does not know the rule or you misunderstood what he told you. But you never have to move under that situation as long as you have established LGP. It just sound like he was making it up in order to get you off his back about this call. But this sounds like a Men's league and unfortunately you do not get very competent officials a good portion of the time. But usually "real" committed officials would never work those leagues. Tell us how it works out.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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