Well it appears that McGriff's has now moved to this web site.
I love coming to the site and discussing things. Rules, mechanics, case situations, whatever and getting peoples input on how they handle things.
What is sad is when "officials" feel the need to rip another official, even on a personal level, just because they do not agree with what that person said.
In my football association we have 32 crews. I can have no fear in betting my house and my daughter that none of the 32 crews work exactly the same. I was taught that you pull what you like from other officials and disreguard what you do not like. So that leaves me to interpet what is proper mechanics, for example, and what is not. Is a crew wrong if they use blue bean bags instead of white for a high school game? Is Carl or Peter or some other official wrong for using a facemask instead of a hockey style helmet like I use? No, to each is own.
Peter and I had a bit of a discussion about ejections. Is Peter wrong? Am I? No, we just have different view points on how to handle such things. Did we revert to name calling? Hell no and I still have high reguard for things Peter says and write (wrote) about in his articles and posts.
My point in all this is if you don't agree with what is being said, post your opinion on the subject and leave the name calling to the local kidergardeners. Those of us that want to continue to learn don't want to read it. If you feel the need to name call, go to your local kidergarden school and argue with them over whose Mommy is a poppy-face. They'll play that all day long.
Need an out, get an out. Need a run, balk it in.