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Old Wed Sep 08, 2004, 03:28pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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I have told you this before, there is no such thing as IHSA rules. The IHSA does not make a rulebook. The National Federation does and that is the rules that the IHSA uses. But they apply to HS sports and HS sports only.

Secondly you are referencing a youth football game. All the timing rules from the NF do not necessarily apply to youth football. They do not use the same rules as it relates to NF rules. I know of many leagues that this was the case (when the clock started) and this would apply to many youth leagues. These games have many rules that have modification in place that are vastly different from NF Rules. A great example of this is the mercy rule (which is not an NF rule in Illinois) that we use in HS. That affects all the timing situations, but when we use them are not the same as youth football.

It sounds like they were right. The only way you are going to know that is to ask the league officials. We will never be able to answer your question, unless someone happens to know what league you work and what their experiences are.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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