Tue Sep 07, 2004, 08:48pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Edinburg, TX
Posts: 1,212
Originally posted by Bob Lyle
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Listen, you're an umpire. You take an oath, albeit figurative in most places, to enforce the rules as they are written by the governing body of your League.
In Illinois, that's the NFHS.
First, remember that your interpreter probably doesn't know that Elliott issued an official interpretation this morning. Likely he'll change his mind when you tell him about the ruling.
I thought umpires were dedicated to living life by the rules. Apparently, that leaves you out.
I never took an oath either literally or figuratively about enforcing the rules, but I've had a few coaches swear oaths at me.
Along the same line, I recently engaged Windy on the football forum in a long discussion about truth. Windy does what is best for Windy and the truth be damned.
I've just added WCB to the list of Forum members I won't reply to anymore.
It's a short list.