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Old Thu Sep 02, 2004, 10:12pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Originally posted by DG
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by akalsey
And my oldest son was born on Jan 27.

Carl, any plans to take this show on the road to Northern California?
Have clinic, will travel.

It just hits me that most of the guys/gals reading this don't remember the television show starring Richard Boone and called "something" like the comment I made.

Oh, well. Sigh.

Email me and I'll give you more particulars.
His name was Palladin (sp) - his card (yes, he had a card) read "have gun, will travel". Based in San Fransisco, I think. Always wore black, but he was the good guy, always gunslinging for someone who was being oppressed. Had a black horse and a black saddle, with a lot of silver on it. There was a song with the show that I can't remember the words of, but it ended something like ... man with a gun.

There will be lots of folks here that don't remember this show, or even who Richard Boone was. How about that line in the movie with John Wayne, Big Jake, was it? After getting shot up by Big Jake he said "Who are you?" and after Jake said something like "I'm Jacob McCandles", Richard said "I thought you was dead".

That show with Palladin, and Gunsmoke, were my favorites. Anybody here remember Chester?

[Edited by DG on Sep 2nd, 2004 at 10:03 PM]
"Have Gun Will Travel" reads the card of a man.
A knight without armor in a savage land.
His fast gun for hire heed's the calling wind.
A soldier of fotune is the man called Paladin.

Paladin, Paladin Where do you roam?
Paladin, Paladin, Far, far from home.

He travels on to wherever he must;
A chess knight of silver is his badge of trust.
There are campfire legends that the plainsmen spin
Of the man with the gun,
of the man called Pa-l-l-l-l-a-din

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