Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
According to CNN, he has been a legislator for over fifty years. They claimed he did it while Governor, thus the original wording of my post. He also voted against affirmative action while in that seat.
For someone who constantly challenges Rutledge's veracity, you are mighty sloppy with your facts. Miller was in the Marine Corps until 1956 so he could not have been a legislator for "over 50 years." His Senate bio says that he entered politics in 1960. That was 44 years ago, not over "fifty years." He was selected as the Democratic Party's keynote convention speaker in 1992 to nominate Bill Clinton. This is hardly an honor that would have gone to a racist/right wing sympathizer as you made him out to be.
Miller was in the Georgia Legislature from 1960-64. The issue of affirmative action had not yet been invented in that time frame so he could not have voted against it. He was a two term Georgia governer in the 1990's and according to the archives of the Atlanta Constitution, he was selected as America's best governor in 1998. This is a hardly an honor that would have been bestowed on a closet racist.
For someone who correctly belittles Rutledge for distorted facts and exaggerating, it appears that you are as guilty as he is. Voting against affirmative action is not the same as voting against the 1964 Civil Rights act as you claimed in your initial post. Lots of well meaning Americans, including our Supreme Court, have reservations about affirmative action.
Face it Windy, you lied. You are no better than the one that you constantly do battle with.