As a pilot program most of Oregon this year worked CCA mechanics. As of next year the entire state will be required to use that mechanic set.
The National Federation of High Schools is actively involved with us in seeing if these mechanics can be used Nationwide.
Now I have never seen the mechanics referenced by Windy, I would venture to guess they are better than the normal Fed mechannics, so I will stick with the concept that coordinating college and Fed mechanics would be a big help.
Recognize a key issue here:
As long as Kyle McNeely is involved in the Federation rules and mechanics group the changes that are made will be fully tested and be what is best for all the different levels of ability carried by FED umpires.
The biggest challenge in working the CCA manual is that the umpires for which the book is written are expected to be:
1) In shape and,
2) Understand many of the subtlties of the game and always being ahead of the play.
These are challenges for some of the people that work FEDlandia.