Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Originally posted by ChampaignBlue
Mike said,
"Now, try going to a partner before making a call only to find out he didn't see the play. If this happens, you have no choice, but to call the runner safe because no one can state the runner was put out. And it doesn't make a damn bit of difference if the BR was two strides shy of the base when the throw arrived."
This is why it is important on what you ask your partner. If it is a private converation you're welcome to say "I had my head up mu butt on that one" but if you're making it across the field you leave your partner an out in case he didn't see it. "Do you have a pulled foot?" rather than "Did she pull her foot?" "Do you have a tag?" "Rather than did she tag her?" NEVER "Was she safe?" or "What's your call?"
And while you are having this conversation, who is watching the other runners?
May be right, may be wrong, but I was always taught to look at your partner. If they are in position for you to get some help, point at them ask " Did she pull her foot?" or "Your call!", whatever. But, you never do it if you have any doubts about the positioning of your partner to help you. Then, we never have a conversation until all play has stopped. In this situation, you make the call, let the play, if any other is possible, end, then talk to your partner, if the coach asks you to.
Right? Wrong?