Thu Aug 26, 2004, 08:22am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 768
Re: Wendelstedt also agrees
Originally posted by ump3
"As Jim Evans states in Baseball Rules Annotated, "Today's rule delineates between illegal pitches and illegal acts by the pitcher. Penalties for these various infractions can be found in 2.00 Illegal Pitch, 8.01(d), 8.02(a) Penalty, and 8.05(e) Penalty."
The infraction under discussion in this thread would be a balk with runners on, but with no runners it is simply an illegal act, penalized by warning to cease and desist, followed by ejection for failure to heed the warning."
Harry Wendelstedt agrees: In his school manual, he also says. ". . . Pitcher's violations are broken down into three categories- Balks, Illegal Pitches (which may qualify as a balk), and "Time! Don't do that"'s"
Under the 2nd category {illegal pitches} that he lists, is ". . . ONLY when a pitcher (1) delivers a pitch to the batter while not in contact with the pitcher's plate, or (2) makes a Quick Pitch."
And to clarify an above post about the pitcher that does not stop in the Set with no runners on, also using the Wendelstedt Manual; "A Quick Pitch ONLY is one that the pitcher either (1) from behind or beside the pitcher's plate, quickly steps on the rubber, and immediately throws a pitch, or (2) delivers a pitch to the batter when the batter is not facing him. . . A Quick Pitch should rarely be called in case #2 as the umpire should usually prevent this by calling "Time" when the pitcher begins to pitch, if he believes the batter is not properly adjusted. This may occur though in the situation where the pitcher is delivering from the Wind-Up position, but does not go through the "Wind-Up", but merely steps and throws home. . . There is certainly a difference between a Quick Pitch, and pitching quickly."
Under the 3rd category {Time! Don't do that"'s} that he lists, ". . . when a pitcher, with no runners on, stops his motion to deliver a pitch. . . in some instances an umpire may need to add "and anymore, you'll be ejected"."
Does this Harry guy actually work baseball?
(just kidding, thanks for the additional references)