Gary Evins (Go-Down Gary)
San Antonio
I want to explain Gary's "signature." He was one of the umpires I hired for the NBC Southern Regional Tournament -- West Division this past July. After calling 6 innings in 100+ heat, he became dehydrated. I refused to allow him to continue; instead, I grabbed an indicator (Yes, Vriginia, there is still a base umpire who uses an indicator) and finished the game. Coincidentally, four years earlier I also had to sub for an umpire. Each time the Piedras Negras Aggies were involved in the game.
Gary recovered quickly and called free as a third man that evening. He completed his tournament assignments as well.
Of course, I was very solicitious. I referred to him in public and private thereafter as Go Down Gary. When he accompanies me next year to Piedras Negras for the NBC Southern Regional -- South Division, I will refer to him as Go Down Gary.
I am, if anything, consistent.
When I umpired, coaches always claimed I was VERY consistent: "You've certainly missed that one all night."
Papa C
Editor, eUmpire
[This message has been edited by Carl Childress (edited August 12, 2000).]