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Old Tue Aug 24, 2004, 07:36pm
WindyCityBlue WindyCityBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
PS2Man...sorry it came to that, but you kept digging. I went to Professional School right out of college. I had no allusions about becoming a professional Major League Baseball Umpire, but a funny thing happened. I was very good at it. I was #2 in my class and asked to work Rookie Ball. I did a few years of it before I got burned out on the live and die nature of it all. I bummed around the country for a few years and made a lot of friends at a lot of levels. I travel for business and can afford to work baseball as a luxury, not a necessity. It is not my life, but I am very passionate about doing it well. I can get the same satisfaction out of watching my children excel at school or sports. I appreciate the honesty you've exhibited, but you have to recognize that I can have an opinion about a sport I don't work. I tried to back my argument with facts and support my thesis with my experience. I cannot argue Football mechanics, but I can relate to poor judgement and the necessity to right a wrong. Maybe some day, you will see my point, but I will concede that some officials do not share my passion. It may seem hollow, but if I have offended you, I apologize. My intention was to argue the points on merit and this discussion became a pissing contest.

I shall offer no such truce with Jurassic and Rut. The facts speak for themselves. I gave Jurassic his proof and showed the world his lie. If you have been on these Boards for any amount of time you will recognize that Jeff Rutledge is no stranger to exagerration and hyperbole. (He doesn't like it when you say he lies.) You read the post that started this all. My intent was true and my opinion has never wavered. I may be an opinionated bast*rd in their eyes, but I can support all of my claims and stay on topic. Jurassic, it should be easy to stay quiet - while you are licking your wounds. What? No comment about the actual thread...very sad indeed! Rut/R.I.T. will try to cover his tracks and admit no fault here. "Peace" seems so ironic when it closes his drivel.

[Edited by WindyCityBlue on Aug 24th, 2004 at 08:39 PM]