Originally posted by Theisey
Exactly how did you phrase the response to the coach Mike?
Just what does the NF mean by "may lift the ball for lateral rotation". I can see there seems to be a big difference in interpretation on what seems to be a pretty basic statement.
I'll tell you mine, which I think is every other wingmans view that I've worked with. If Mr. snapper lifts the ball more than an inch or two to rotate the ball (about the long axis), well OK. But if he brings it up any further like to his knees, he just cost his team a dead ball snap infraction.
That is the reason I asked the question.
The snapper in my situation brought the ball up over his knee and near his chest, while leaning forward. I do not see how he is going to put the ball right back into the same spot? I think that is a huge difference than turning the ball about inch off the ground in order to get the laces in the right spot. I consider the two actions quite different. I just cannot see how in my original example that is not a foul.