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Old Mon Aug 23, 2004, 09:55am
FUBLUE FUBLUE is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 508
In a "D" (which means D**M BAD) Men's FP tournament this weekend, heard the following, to add to your list:

On ball thrown into DBT on hit to SS: Blue, he's quick, he would have gotten third (this is as I was placing him at second).

On a called strike three that was a "gut shot": that's the third time today you've called that on me. (My response: well, duh! Swing at it).

On a play where runner was safe at first by a step and a half: How's he safe? (He beat the throw). Just tell me how he's safe. (Again, he beat the throw, in my opinion) He didn't beat the throw! (We're not arguing the call are we?) I'm not arguing but he wasn't safe. (No more, or you go bye-bye and you're team forfeits).

On a ball that clearly was over the fence for a homerun, F8 raises hands to signal it bounced. Of course this was after he noticed that the bases were loaded. WHen asked why he didn't raise his hands earlier: I was trying to slide under the fence and catch the ball, hoping you wouldn't see it.

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