Don't think that a coach who you confide to about another official's 'bad' call respects you any more than the official who made the supposedly bad call.
You do a discredit to your crew, to the official in question, and to yourself if you go cutting the legs out from a fellow official to a coach. Handle a disagreement the right way. "Coach, I was covering a different area on that play" should be the answer to a coach's solicitation of your opinion on a tight play.
You shouldn't see most of the things another official is looking at if you're looking at your own specific keys and your specific area on any given play. Granted, two wings looking in at a dive play can see the same thing, but one may be screened by a body and the opposite wing can see a knee down that his partner didn't. Come together and tell what you saw.
Good calls, bad calls - it doesn't matter. Your only true friends out there are wearing the same shirt you're wearing.