I don't think a couple of cards are going to do the trick. For my crew, I have a pregame that I have developed through the years in notebook form. It covers the complete game, from entering the field to leaving after the game is over. Meeting with coaches, pre-game field duties, coin toss, running game, passing, kicking, penalty enforcement, between quarters, measurements, and so on.It goes for around 35-40 minutes, not including time in the car(we mostly travel together).
For coaches and captains, we try to keep it short and sweet. They are rather busy and we don't want to take much of their time. I give the coach a game card with our names and positions. Then I ask, 1. Is your team legally equiped? 2.Do you have a designated medical authority? 3. Who are your captains? 4. Any unusual plays that he runs that we need to be concerned with? 5. Any questions for us?
At the coin toss I will tell the captains that they are responsible for their players on the field. If we have a penalty I will ask for them, and if they are not sure of their options, don't be afraid to ask me to repeat. We want to make sure we get it right for them. Then I ask the visiting captain if he wants heads or tails, and we are off. Hope this helps. Each guy is different in the way he may present his pregame, but my philosophy is long with your crew and short with coaches and players.