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Old Thu Aug 12, 2004, 08:49am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by tomegun
Originally posted by canuckrefguy
Originally posted by tomegun
I can tell you with confidence that when an official reads that this board they go out and watch the ball just in case they have to "get it right."
You've got to be joking.
No, I'm absolutely serious. It doesn't matter who says it doesn't turn out that way. ..... I make mistakes on the court all the time and will continue to do so. I can recognize quickly the difference between a partner who helps me out and a partner who is looking in my area all game. If you can't see how saying "just get it right" would allow someone to feel more comfortable watching the ball maybe you haven't worked enough games or uh maybe you are watching the ball!
Tom you're reducing the world to a binary system, and it doesn't work. There are more possibilities in the world than just 1) it always happens this way, OR b) it always happens that way.

As someone who is old enough to be your mother, I'd like to give you a little motherly advice. As I hope you would with your own mother, you can accept any or all of the advice. Here goes:

There are always lots and lots and lots of other possibilities, than just a or b. Part of what "creative geniuses" do in life is find some of the other possibilities that most of us are too small-minded to see. Really, Bill Gates' entire fortune is based on that, even though it may appear as though binary is the foundation for him. Life is just never as simple as yes- or-no.

Here's a little personal hint -- you'll be a lot happier in general when you can accept this fact, and work it into your daily life. For one thing, it makes friendships, work relationships and romances a lot more interesting!