JR is completely right. Someone is going read this board (basketball officials) and think that a baseball only is telling them the proper procedure. Of course we are not going to agree, but that is why you debate the issue. Because if in the game of football or basketball you do what a NCAA Baseball Umpire claims to do, then you will never get anywhere. I know guys that "step on the toes" of their partners and they do not advance because no one wants to work with them. In all the sports I work the higher ups always talk about how the officials are a team. We are to support out partners even when they make mistakes. Unless you have a serious rules violation, you stay away from judgment calls.
Also for the record, Windy is not a basketball official. Windy was not mentioned in my original question. I just wanted opinions. I am sure there are others that feel Windy's point of view are right. But I asked the question to see if there were situations that apply outside of replay. Windy has come here name calling because I am not a member of his organization in the Chicagoland area. That is what this is about and why he has come here and called me all these names. I do not know his email and do not care to talk to him thru email. He is a troll that cannot stand for an RIT to be seen as a success. I do not know why the moderators let his personal rants go on. JR and I have stuck to the issues of the debate. That is why we are here; I cannot speak for the other person.