Mommy, make the mean man stop!
Sorry WeekendRef, but Rut brought this to this Board, not I.
He has twisted the facts and clouded the issues.
Jurassic -
Ill try to keep this simple. Apparently you have a problem with the word overrule. Feel free to substitute change, alter or make-correct if it helps.
Dont pull any of that selective memory crap, youre just as guilty. Several members pointed out that you are playing word games with just one post. I clarified the issue and gave examples of what is acceptable. It seems that none of your basketball compadres are coming to your rescue here either. Amazing, no???
I believe that Canuckrefguy gave a fine example of another NCAA game where those referees found it within themselves to change/alter/overrule a call that was made. His post was made at 7:58 last night, but hes probably not aware that what he saw couldnt have happened because you say so. So, in answer to your question, yes calls are changed/altered/overruled by other officials at the NCAA and FED level. Should they be, YES!
Rut or should I say, Rit (Referee in Training) - It is hard t believe that you claim to officiate several sports at the Varsity level. You have the attention span of a pre-teen on a sugar buzz. Try to focus, man. I dont care how many people you talk to at your meetings...imagination is a wonderful thing. Sports Illustrated and the SunTimes are wrong because you dont agree with the message of their stories. Too bad, when the NCAA votes to institute Division 1 instant replay, I will be right back here showing the world what kind of fantasy you live.
Officiating is evolving whether you like it or not. Basketball is the next one on the radar screen - they already argue about the game clock, shots at the buzzer and whether a three point shot was legit. How long before they allow this scrutiny in the NBA or NCAA Tourney? Will it make us better officials? Will closeups on 60 Plasma screens showing the toes on the line make a difference? Will the next generation of officials be scared away because of these changes? The simple fact of all instant replay users is that they want to get the call right. This replay system is here because officials are afraid to overrule their partners, even when they are 100% sure of the call.