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Old Sun Jan 16, 2000, 11:37am
ken roberts ken roberts is offline
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Join Date: Oct 1999
Posts: 83

Well, in my pregame i say, "On a double whistle, whoever the play is coming towards will have the call. However, if the plays coming towards me and i see that your rapidly approaching me with your hand up, i'm going to defer to you. So don't approach unless your 100% sure that your infraction happened first."

Now in this case, it's going to look bad since everyone in the gym knows that Lead called a jump and Trail called something else. This stems from the fact that we stop the clock on a jump with the Signal #3. Not a problem on most double whistles since most people don't know the difference between an open hand raised and a closed fist.

There is no precedence bewteen fouls and violations (2-6). You must decide which came first. While usually, whoever the plays coming towards has the call, in this case i think i'll let Trail decide which came first. Lead never saw the foul, so has no idea if it came before the jump or not.

While Trail did not see the jump, he does know when it occurred: at the apex of the shooter's leap. Thus, we'll live and die with Trail's final decision...
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