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Old Thu Aug 05, 2004, 11:29am
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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Re: Re: FIBA rules

Originally posted by Jay R
4. In FIBA, when the ball or any part of the player's body is in the front court, the ball has FC status (no three point rule when dribbling)
So, Jay, let's take an example. A1 is dribbling the backcourt. He passes to A2. A2 is straddling the division line. If A2 now moves his frontcourt foot and places it in the backcourt, is it a backcourt violation? If A2 merely lifts his frontcourt foot, is it a backcourt violation (since he's now totally in the backcourt after being in the frontcourt)?

Just curious.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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