Also, NCAA Men Supervisor of Officials Hank Nichols is on the FIBA panel, so the college game is creeping to the international game.
Big differences (reading):
Free throws - If the free-throw shooter doesn't commit a violation, and it goes in, count the basket and ignore all violations by other players. Violations matter only if the shot doesn't go in. Also, if the shooter makes the violation, the basket is no good.
NEW: Possession Arrow - Also used to start overtime.
"There is no hallowed circle of exile painted under our hoops..... :-)"
NEW: The European professional game under the auspices of the ULEB and the various European professional federations (source: will start enforcing the NBA Block/Charge zone starting this year. That league also has a jump ball under NBA procedures. Neither is used in FIBA.
Time Outs are to be called, yes, by the coach, but only on a dead ball or when scored against.
NEW: No substitution restrictions except in final two minutes of a game, after a successful basket, team scored against may substitute. If such team does, other team may.
The Lane: Established in 1956.
In Christ,
Deut 31:6-8